Table of muscles of the human body: Head


This article lists the muscles found in the human head.

Muscles of the human body: Overview
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quadriceps femoris
     rectus femoris
     vastus lateralis
     vastus intermedius
     vastus medialis
Example of formatting used in tables to denote muscles and muscle groups.

The following tables of muscles have seven columns:

Often, a muscle is divided into other muscles; for example, the quadriceps femoris muscle is further subdivided into the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis. In these cases, the name of the muscle group is italicized and the component muscles are indented. An example appears to the right.

For more information on many of the terms used within these tables, see anatomical terms of location, anatomical terms of motion, medical terminology, list of human anatomical features and outline of human anatomy.

Scalp and eyelid

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
occipitofrontalis 2 occipital bellies and 2 frontal bellies. galea aponeurotica facial nerve raises the eyebrows
     occipitalis superior nuchal line of the occipital bone
mastoid part of the temporal bone
galea aponeurotica occipital artery posterior auricular nerve (facial nerve)
     frontalis galea aponeurotica mastoid process ophthalmic artery facial nerve wrinkles eyebrow
orbicularis oculi frontal bone; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone lateral palpebral raphe ophthalmic, zygomatico-orbital, angular zygomatic branch of facial closes eyelids levator palpebrae superioris
corrugator supercilii superciliary arches forehead skin, near eyebrow facial nerve wrinkles forehead
depressor supercilii medial orbital rim medial aspect of bony orbit facial nerve depression of eyebrow

Extraocular muscles

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
levator palpebrae superioris sphenoid bone tarsal plate, upper eyelid ophthalmic artery oculomotor nerve retracts//elevates eyelid orbicularis oculi muscle
superior tarsal underside of levator palpebrae superioris superior tarsal plate of the eyelid sympathetic nervous system raise the upper eyelid
Rectus muscles
     superior annulus of Zinn at the orbital apex 7.5 mm superior to the corneal limbus oculomotor nerve elevates, adducts, and rotates medially the eye
     inferior 6.5 mm inferior to the corneal limbus inferior branch of oculomotor nerve depression and adduction
     medial 5.5 mm medial to the corneal limbus inferior division of the oculomotor nerve adducts the eyeball
     lateral 7 mm temporal to the corneal limbus abducens nerve abducts the eyeball
Oblique muscles
     superior annulus of Zinn at the orbital apex, medial to optic canal outer posterior quadrant of the eyeball lateral muscular branch of the ophthalmic artery trochlear nerve primary: intorsion. secondary:abduct (laterally rotate) and depress the eyeball
     inferior orbital surface of the maxilla, lateral to the lacrimal groove laterally onto the eyeball, deep to the lateral rectus, by a short flat tendon oculomotor nerve extorsion, elevation, abduction


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
ciliary long posterior ciliary arteries oculomotor nerve (parasympathetics) accommodation
iris dilator superior cervical ganglion (sympathetics) pupil dilation iris sphincter muscle
iris sphincter short ciliary nerves constricts pupil iris dilator muscle


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
auriculares galeal aponeurosis front of the helix, cranial surface of the pinna facial nerve (Wiggle ears)
temporoparietalis auriculares muscles galea aponeurotica
stapedius neck of stapes facial nerve control the amplitude of sound waves to the inner ear
tensor tympani Eustachian tube handle of the malleus superior tympanic artery medial pterygoid nerve from mandibular nerve tensing the tympanic membrane


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
procerus from fascia over the lower of the nasal bone skin of the lower part of the forehead between the eyebrows buccal branch of the facial nerve Draws down the medial angle of the eyebrow, giving expressions of frowning
nasalis maxilla nasal bone Compresses bridge, depresses tip of nose, elevates corners of nostrils
dilatator naris margin of the nasal notch of the maxilla, greater and lesser alar cartilages skin near the margin of the nostril dilation of nostrils
depressor septi nasi incisive fossa of the maxilla nasal septum and back part of the alar part of nasalis muscle depression of nasal septum
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi maxilla nostril and upper lip superior labial artery dilates the nostril; elevates the upper lip and wing of the nose


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
levator anguli oris
maxilla modiolus of mouth facial artery facial nerve smile (elevates angle of mouth)
depressor anguli oris
tubercle of mandible modiolus of mouth facial artery mandibular branch of facial nerve depresses angle of mouth
levator labii superioris medial infra-orbital margin skin and muscle of the upper lip (labii superioris) superior labial artery buccal branch of the facial nerve Elevates the upper lip
depressor labii inferioris oblique line of the mandible, between the symphysis and the mental foramen integument of the lower lip, orbicularis oris fibers, its fellow of the opposite side inferior labial artery facial nerve Depresses the lower lip
mentalis anterior mandible chin mandibular branch of facial nerve elevates and wrinkles skin of chin, protrudes lower lip
buccinator alveolar processes of the maxillary bone and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe in the fibres of the orbicularis oris buccal artery buccal branch of the facial nerve compress the cheeks against the teeth (blowing), mastication.
orbicularis oris maxilla and mandible skin around the lips pucker the lips
risorius parotid fascia modiolus facial artery draw back angle of mouth
Zygomatic muscles
     major anterior of zygomatic bone modiolus of mouth facial artery buccal branch of the facial nerve draws angle of mouth upward and laterally
     minor zygomatic bone skin of the upper lip facial nerve, buccal branch elevates upper lip


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
masseter zygomatic arch and maxilla coronoid process and ramus of mandible masseteric artery masseteric nerve (V3) elevation (as in closing of the mouth) and retraction of mandible platysma muscle
temporalis temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull coronoid process of the mandible deep temporal third branch (mandibular nerve) of the trigeminal nerve elevation and retraction of mandible
Pterygoid muscles
     lateral great wing of sphenoid and pterygoid plate condyle of mandible pterygoid branches of maxillary artery external pterygoid nerve from the mandibular nerve depresses mandible
     medial deep head: medial side of lateral pterygoid plate behind the upper teeth
superficial head: pyramidal process of palatine bone and maxillary tuberosity
medial angle of the mandible mandibular nerve via nerve to medial pterygoid elevates mandible, closes jaw, helps lateral pterygoids in moving the jaw from side to side



Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
genioglossus superior part of mental spine of mandible (symphysis menti) dorsum of tongue and body of hyoid lingual artery hypoglossal nerve complex - inferior fibers protrude the tongue, middle fibers depress the tongue, and its superior fibers draw the tip back and down
hyoglossus hyoid side of the tongue
chondroglossus lesser cornu and body of the hyoid bone intrinsic muscular fibers of the tongue
styloglossus styloid process of temporal bone tongue


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
superior longitudinal close to the epiglottis, from the median fibrous septum edges of the tongue hypoglossal nerve
inferior longitudinal root of the tongue apex of the tongue
transversus median fibrous septum sides of the tongue

Soft palate

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
levator veli palatini temporal bone, Eustachian tube palatine aponeurosis facial artery vagus nerve Aids in swallowing by elevating the soft palate
tensor veli palatini medial pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone medial pterygoid of mandibular nerve Aids in swallowing by controlling the tension of the soft palate
musculus uvulae hard palate pharyngeal plexus Moves and changes shape of the uvula
palatoglossus palatine aponeurosis tongue vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve Aids in respiration by raising the back part of the tongue
palatopharyngeus palatine aponeurosis and hard palate upper border of thyroid cartilage (blends with constrictor fibers) facial artery vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve Aids in respiration by pulling the pharynx and larynx


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
stylopharyngeus temporal styloid process thyroid cartilage (pharynx) pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery glossopharyngeal nerve elevate the larynx, elevate the pharynx, swallowing
salpingopharyngeus cartilage of the Eustachian tube posterior fasciculus of the pharyngopalatinus muscle vagus nerve and cranial accessory nerve raise the nasopharynx
Pharyngeal muscles
     inferior cricoid and thyroid cartilage pharyngeal raphe pharyngeal branches of ascending pharyngeal artery external laryngeal branch of the vagus Swallowing
     middle hyoid bone pharyngeal raphe vagus nerve Swallowing
     superior medial pterygoid plate, pterygomandibular raphé, alveolar process pharyngeal raphe, pharyngeal tubercle vagus nerve Swallowing


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
cricothyroid anterior and lateral cricoid cartilage inferior cornu and lamina of the thyroid cartilage external laryngeal branch of the vagus tension and elongation of the vocal folds (has minor adductory effect)
arytenoid arytenoid cartilage on one side arytenoid cartilage on opposite side recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus approximate the arytenoid cartilages (close rima glottidis)
thyroarytenoid inner surface of the thyroid cartilage (anterior aspect) anterior surface of arytenoid cartilage recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus thickens the vocal folds and decreases length; also helps helps to adduct the vocal folds during speech
Cricoarytenoid muscles
     posterior posterior part of the cricoid muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus abducts and laterally rotates the cartilage, pulling the vocal ligaments away from the midline and forward and so opening the rima glottidis lateral cricoarytenoid muscle
     lateral lateral part of the arch of the cricoid muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage recurrent laryngeal branch of the vagus adduct and medially rotate the cartilage, pulling the vocal ligaments towards the midline and backwards and so closing off the rima glottidis
Muscles of the human body: Overview
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